🌲 12/9 - Gaming, Survival, Beyond


Hey Reader,

This week’s grand theme is “Shit’s falling apart, and I’m just trying not to join it.” My car—my beloved Subaru, which still had a solid half a decade of prime adventuring left—is probably getting the official Kiss of Death from the insurance gods. We’ll know tomorrow, but I’m mentally preparing for the “total loss” call. Watching the repair estimate (over 9000!!) stack up while awkwardly rotating through rental cars (from a giant mom van to a tiny death mobile to a tolerable Jeep) has been my version of a shitty Netflix series. I’m really pissed that this is the second time some idiot has crashed into a perfect car of ours, leaving us stuck with a shitty rental and a financial headache. ( I keep feeling sick, which isn't a stage of Grief, and then swapping to Anger. I may have skipped some steps during work, or you can slide all around the Stages of Grief scale throughout the day. Hmm.)

I thought spending last Xmas chugging liquid medication- post throat surgery, for new readers- would be the lowest a December could go, but it turns out that was optimistic!

Alright. Time to shake it off. (Also, here's a quirky TSwift article.)

There’s still some gaming news to keep us from diving headfirst into a pit of despair. Let’s pivot, shall we?

  • ​Hiraeth’s IndieGoGo ends soon. If you haven’t checked it out, now’s the time. Support some indies; they need that love.
  • ​Forever Skies added co-op. Suffer together in a post-apocalyptic sky-world.
  • ​7 Days to Die (Storm Brewing Patch) is slated for Q1 2025. They’re making a big deal about the weather, which could be amazing—but the game still makes hunger feel like a lazy afterthought, so who knows if the weather will fare any better? (Or it'll end up being something you can ignore after you progress a smidgen.)
  • ​DayZ is on sale until the 16th. If you don’t have it yet, maybe now’s the time. (And check out the maps made by the community, they're fucking awesome.)
  • ​EndZone 2 is dropping a significant update on the 13th - Traders and Hunting.

Honestly, I’m just trying to breathe, survive (heh), and keep things semi-productive. This past week was a mess, but I’m hoping next week will find me with a better plan or a less mortally wounded automobile situation. I'd like to at least limp to my Christmas vacation without sobbing in the corner.

To end on a positive note, Moonlighter 2 will be out next year; travel apparently slows aging, and Mythic Quest Season 4 will be released in January.

Hug your cars,




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